My brother is a Ranger in the Army. He is in Iraq at the moment. this is his second time there. He came back in one pice once! Is it really nessisary to send him back?? we put his picture on the frige. He is now just like my oldest brother and my dad. A soldier. I mean how scary is that? my oldest brother I don't need to worry about because, he sits behind a desk all day, so I mean the worst that ould happen to him is like a papercut. but what about my other brother? I mean he could die!!! He could be dead right now and we just haven't got the letter or call or what ever! I'm starting to get sick just thinking about it!
I know that little sisters are suposed to hate there brothers and pray for the day that they leave the house but, not me. I love my brother. Out of all six of my brothers and sisters, he is my favorite. I know how awful that might sound but It's true. I mean for all of my readers who have family in Iraq, you've got to know how i feel.
my Brother came home like 3 months ago. I haven't seen him since. he calls my dad every once in a while, I never get to talk to him though. He never has long to talk. But thats ok. At least I know that he is still alive. How scary is that.
So to all the family and friends who have loved ones in Iraq, or even in the Military, don't loose faith in them. God will keep them safe.
And to my brother, I love you always, come home to us soon...