i am a Jesus Freak. Thank you, Thank you, (bow right, bow left).
I am the only one in my family besides my blood-dad. so i guess i am supposed to be like an example or whatever. But do you know how hard that is!!!! i mean my mom and dad dont want any thing to do with God. So I'm like uh...I'm going to church now? I mean I'm alwas afraid I'm going to say the wrong thing around my mom and make her thinlk that I'm trying to like, presure her or something. I want her to come to things on her own time.
i want to be an example to all of my brothers and sisters to. My oldest brother I have no idea where he stands on religion so yeah. My next brother cusses more than my dad, which is saying something! my next brother goes to church because his (not my) mom makes him. Then there is me (JESUS FREAK!!!! YEAH!!!) then my next two sisters I don't see so who knows. Then My middle sister is mental so she is on and off on religion.
i want to be an example ut at the same time I don't want to like throw a Bible at anyone or anything. I even got in this big heated fight with one of my friends about him making fun of Christians right in front of me. Oh well, we worked it out and now its all good.
So to all my Jesus Freaks out there, GO YOU!!!!