Blogs on everything!
Please! try this at home!
Published on June 30, 2005 By Purple_PAN_tree In Misc
This is going to sound really stupid... but have you ever just taken regular sayings and made them just weird. for example... until the rock rolls. you can end a letter like that. or Saying "well, thats the frosting on the waffle!!". you know just to see if people catch on?

It's another way to see if people are really listining! like take my blood-dad for example, half the time he isn't really listining to what I am saying. This one time when we were in the car I said random things for like 20 min before he realized that I was even talking to him (even though we are the only ones in the car).

I don't know its jst something to think about, or in my case to rant about.

Well... until the cake walks!

on Jul 01, 2005
Indeed. Let them eat pie.

Neat idea.
on Jul 01, 2005

And who has Pie? I WANT SOME PIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!