Blogs on everything!
Published on July 1, 2005 By Purple_PAN_tree In Misc
well, today makes a grand total of three days of being on JU. So i have decided to make a list of all the wonderful things i have done.

1. written 9 bloggs
2. made comments
3. spelled like every other word wrong
4. almost gotten blacklisted
5. told off (with good reasoning)
6. and made this list

well, I would say that I have made a good pah for myself wouldn't you!?! so to all my readers (if I even have any) I am sorry for
A) having bad spelling
being a smart a**

I'm not going to go and get a new ID or anything I just felt that it was nessisary to admit my wrongs to the public.

on Jul 01, 2005
Well purple, I guess you've vindicated yourself! Good girl or is that boy?
on Jul 01, 2005
Thanks! I try!

Girl...yeah...I think.
on Jul 01, 2005
The only unforgiveable thing I've seen you do so far is to be a "Purplist". ;~D Link