So This is what it has come down to. I have been on ju for some time know. And you know what I found about it. All ther is to it is a bunch of overly sensitive people who need to get a life. That is what i have found. Nice. I am not trying to sound all negative JU has given me some good venting room. I admit that. But I cant comment on this thing without someonegetting all ofended. So I went in search of anew home and you know what! I found one! So good Bye JU. Its been bitter sweet. B...
Ok so like I said yesterday I am At my boi dad's for the weekened. So I got dragged all around town doing all kinds of crap. "I have to go to the bank" Yeah Yeah Yeah. Anyway I get back to the house and go upstairs and this beautiful guy is sitting on the couch. I was like "uhhhhh" And then he spoke...ahhhh. Its not like I am in love with the guy or anything I just was amazed that my brother has such hot guys as friends. (actually I am suprised he HAS friends) So he is like "I...
I have just read the most interesting article... It was by Myrrander. He says that he told another blogger to die a slow and painful death. and that he has been "grounded" for five months. uh...excuse me! Might I remind everyone that all people make mistakes!!! and we are all human. If you can rightfully say that you have never made a mistake in your life, you are not human. If this is true you might want to go to a doctor for that because there is a high probability that you are a dog, or so...