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Purple_PAN_tree's Articles In Misc
July 1, 2005 by Purple_PAN_tree
well, today makes a grand total of three days of being on JU. So i have decided to make a list of all the wonderful things i have done. 1. written 9 bloggs 2. made comments 3. spelled like every other word wrong 4. almost gotten blacklisted 5. told off (with good reasoning) 6. and made this list well, I would say that I have made a good pah for myself wouldn't you!?! so to all my readers (if I even have any) I am sorry for A) having bad spelling being a smart a** I'm not go...
June 30, 2005 by Purple_PAN_tree
This is going to sound really stupid... but have you ever just taken regular sayings and made them just weird. for example... until the rock rolls. you can end a letter like that. or Saying "well, thats the frosting on the waffle!!". you know just to see if people catch on? It's another way to see if people are really listining! like take my blood-dad for example, half the time he isn't really listining to what I am saying. This one time when we were in the car I said random things for lik...
June 30, 2005 by Purple_PAN_tree
I am a movie freak. if I could just sit in front of the t.v. all day, and just watch movies all day, I would like pass out with happyness (sp?). So anyway, last week I got to watch Pretty in pink for the first time. It was awsome!!!! I swear I watched it like 7 times in the four days that I had it!!! the guy that plays Duckie, is now on Two and a half men. I liked him much better when he was like 18 or what ever. He was really great in that movie. Then there is andrew Mcsomething... a...
June 30, 2005 by Purple_PAN_tree
I was suposed to go and get my eyebrow pierced today. BUT NO! lets make a stupid law about age limits! UHHH! I mean I'm going to be of age in like three weeks but that dosent matter oh no! Oh well, I've waited this long. I guess I can wait three more weeks. BUT COME ON!!! :-[